Evidence-based resources that empower you to make the best nutrition decisions for your growing baby and give you peace of mind at the table!
But before we keep on going, let's take a second to celebrate you Mama. Yes, YOU!

You have successfully been helping your baby thrive over the last few months with breast milk and/or formula, and maybe even some first foods like avocados and sweet potatoes... and that’s no small job, so take a second to pat yourself on the back!
Moms don't get thanked enough for these types of things and they're important. What you're doing is important. Also take a second to reflect on what a freaking killer mama you are... yes do that right now. You freaking rock 🤩

And by now, you probably have realized that it’s time to take the next step keeping your little one healthy and growing. And you might be wondering and stressing about what to feed your baby next...
Where to get started? You might feel overwhelmed and confused with the conflicting information out there about feeding babies.
How to carve out time? You don’t have all day to spend slouched over your phone scavenging the internet for answers on WHAT and HOW to feed your baby.
What about all my fears? "Is this food going to be healthy for my baby?” “Is this food going to hurt them?” “Can this food cause an allergic reaction?” "What if my baby chokes with this food?"
Where to find the energy? Because being a Mom is a 24/7 job - feed baby; change diaper; cuddle to sleep; play; be awakened in the middle of the night to feed and put them back to sleep… The list goes on!

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Feeding your baby shouldn't be the enemy. It should be fun...but it sometimes gets nerve-racking, and a little confusing too. Inside of The Baby To Table Club you will have access to:
The resources you need - all in one place - to safely start your baby on solid food with a focus on real food while helping your baby move beyond the simple starter foods so they can grow up to be a happy independent eater!
Access feeding plans, instructions, food demo videos, and classes - all created to by a pediatric dietitian and mom - to answer your questions and empower you to make the best nutrition decisions for your growing little one giving you peace of mind at the table.
Imagine what it will feel like when your baby is eating barley, peanuts, pumpkin, steak, artichoke...all easily prepared in a SAFE, age-appropriate manner that meets your baby’s nutritional and developmental needs, and can fit into your BUSY mama schedule.
Let’s take out all the guesswork and maximize the important role first foods play in your child’s health.
Yes, your baby can eat real and wholesome food SAFELY, JOYFULLY, and INDENPENDENTLY!
Babies can eat a HUGE variety of foods, especially during their first years of life. Babies are born to eat, and if given the opportunity they can impressively be very INDEPENDENT and JOYFUL eaters from their first bite.
Did you know that the foods we learn to like by age 2 are the foods we tend to eat as adults? And studies have shown that babies who are exposed to a large variety of foods, flavors, tastes and textures early and often are more likely to be independent eaters and less likely to be picky eaters.
Yes, you can feed your baby REAL and WHOLESOME food and still have a LIFE! I believe in you, mama! You should too!
But real, nutritious, age-appropriate foods don’t just magically appear on your baby’s tray!
That's why Priscila, Pediatric Dietitian and BUSY Mom of two babies, two and under, has developed the most comprehensive Food Library that will walk you step-by-step through selecting, preparing and safely feeding your baby their first foods.
All the components of this membership were created from up to date, expertly reviewed information and organized it into bite sized pieces. The goal: give you a flexible, safe, and practical system to save you time and support your baby’s nutritional needs.
Be intentional with your baby’s nutrition NOW and you can...
Minimize the risk of picky eating
Provide all the nutrients your little one needs to continue to grow
Decrease the likelihood of developing food allergies
Raise a child that will eat just about anything
How to succeed in feeding step by step!
The Baby To Table Club is your roadmap to raising happy little eaters through joyful and confident feeding.
Let’s see how this breaks down...
FOOD LIBRARY. So you can stop second-guessing and gain confidence on WHAT and HOW to feed your baby! Quick and clear guidelines, demo videos, and pictures about how to select, prepare and offer each food to your baby. 50 foods from all major food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains, animal and plant protein, and "Big 8" also known as the most common allergenic foods).
12-WEEK FEEDING PLAN. So you never scramble around to come up with meal ideas again! 12 weekly introduction schedules with 4 new suggested foods to be introduced at each week; everyday meal ideas for tired mamas. Everything you need to SAFELY expand your baby’s diet, including exposing them to the most common food allergens, as well as minimizing picky eating.
RECIPES. So you can get dinner for the whole family ready in MINUTES, because honestly who has the time! Compilation of recipes for babies and toddlers created by real mamas like you and me; easy and tasty recipes suitable for little ones and the whole family.
GUIDES & CLASSES. So you can get evidence-based answers to your feeding questions and concerns right at your finger tips. More than 20 forever yours printable guides and handouts!
Live and recorded video classes/workshops. All taught by our pediatric dietitian and feeding expert to remove any obstacles and help you with your present and upcoming feeding questions so you don't get stuck anywhere!

success in feeding your tiny human is inevitable!
But, life happens.
If for any reason this membership is no longer serving you, you can cancel at any time.
The process of training babies’ food preferences through safe exposure to a wide variety of foods during the first years of life.
Both parents and children have important roles in the feeding process, and understanding this healthy relationship is the secret to making the journey stress free.
Well-rounded approach that combines two feeding strategies (Baby-led Weaning and spoon feeding purees) to develop a flexible feeding plan that suits the needs of every child.
Early exposure of infants to the most common food allergens (dairy, eggs, peanut/tree nuts, fish/shellfish, wheat, and soy) according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) recommendations and guidelines. EAI has been shown to reduce infant's risk of developing food allergies.
Just ask these mamas...

"Priscila helped me learn how to balance my baby's meals, and how to optimize his iron intake. I also learned how important it is to trust my baby in the feeding process. Our meal times are one of the most pleasant times of the day. I can't thank her enough!"
Nina, baby Ollie's Mom

If we haven't met yet...
Hi! I'm Pri ("Pree").👋🏽I’m so glad you made it to this page.
As a dietitian and a mom, I have a passion for helping other mamas feed their babies with joy and confidence from the very first bite. There are so many opinions and resources out there, sometimes confusing parents and making feeding more complicated than it should be.
When I first started looking for resources to help me start solids with my son, I realized how some of the recommendations about feeding babies can be intimidating to parents, and can hinder, rather than encourage, a our desire to feed our baby the best way possible.
Every family is different, and you have the say so when it comes to how to feed your baby, mama. But I'm here to help you, support you, and share with you the knowledge you need to be confident in your feeding choices!
Priscila Cleary, Dietitian and Mom of Two

Let's raise a generation of healthy, happy, and independent eaters together!
Compare that to...
DIY online courses, guides, and
e-books, just sitting in your inbox
1 hour of consulting with an dietitian or feeding therapist
Wasted spinning your wheels, scavenging the internet, and not taking action

The Baby To Table Club membership will be one of the most important investments in the early life of your little one. It will provide you with simple, practical tools and continual support while transitioning your baby to solids.
What is the Feeding as They Grow program?The Feeding as They Grow is a COMPREHENSIVE, EVIDENCE-BASED program that focuses on helping parents and their infants transition from milk (breast or formula) to solids and beyond. It is delivered in a NURTURING environment via INTERACTIVE COACHING and a WEALTH of online material with long-term ACCESS to a Registered Dietitian.
Why should I start now?There is no better time to start than NOW!! Spots fill up quickly and are limited. We don’t want you to miss out or have to wait until the next program cycle is offered. If you are considering allowing us to join you on your infant’s JOURNEY, jump in, and you will not be disappointed.
Can’t I just do this on my own?Why struggle with questions like “Is my baby ready to try solids?”, “Is this food healthy for my baby?”, or “Is this food going to hurt my baby?” This program is designed to put you in the driver’s seat when it comes to your baby’s nutrition. It will complement your parenting and walk you through the process of providing OPTIMAL nutrition for your growing baby. I’m convinced your good parental instincts will foster healthy nutrition for your baby regardless, but there’s no need to do it alone or waste precious time. The Feeding as They Grow program will give you the CONFIDENCE and support to make sure your baby gets off on the right start from the first bite!
Can’t I just consult a dietitian and get the same thing?You can certainly pay a nice consulting fee for limited access and information that will likely change as your infant continues to grow. Isolated consults are neither easy on the wallet nor your schedule and any parent of a young baby knows time is precious. Not knocking those that provide nutrition consulting services for their clients, but how much better to have ACCESS to a dietitian for a year at a fraction of the cost!
What this program is not offering?While acting under the credentials as a Registered Dietitian (R.D.), we do not provide Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for individual clients. No formal medical recommendations, diagnoses, or specific diets will be prescribed to clients nor any physical encounters will take place. A provider-patient relationship will not be established. Any medical concerns pertaining to your baby should be discussed with your child’s medical provider. Individual nutrition consults outside the Feeding as They Grow program will not be provided.
What is special about the length of the program?Would you prefer a few random facts about an infant’s dynamic nutritional needs or instead, PRACTICAL and TRANSFERABLE knowledge and skills that you can use for your first or second baby and beyond? Think of this as a PROCESS that allows you and your baby to transition through their precious, early months in a SAFE and EVIDENCED-BASED way. This doesn’t happen after reading one blog post or one consult, but rather through a LOGICAL and EASY to understand learning format. Think of this program as one of the first and most important INVESTMENTS in the early life of your little one.
Aren’t there similar programs available that are cheaper?The old saying “You get what you pay for” certainly applies! Why try to save a buck when it comes to the health and well being of your baby? Again, our prices are more than GENEROUS and ultimately reflect a BARGAIN when considering the wealth of INFORMATION and SUPPORT our clients receive.
What if I already have children?Whether this is your first time navigating the challenges of infanthood or you’re a pro, the knowledge and skills you learn through this interactive program surely are APPLICABLE. Rest assured, if this is your first child, let us help you RELIEVE your stress surrounding starting solids. If you are on your second or third child and feel like your experience with your first child was suboptimal when it came to establishing solid nutrition habits, again, rest assured the Feeding as They Grow program will ensure you achieve CONFIDENCE this go around!
What if I can’t pay for the entire program at once?We offer FLEXIBLE payment options whether you prefer to pay all at once or throughout the course of the program. Take note of the DISCOUNT available for those who pay in full at time of purchase!
I’m concerned about food allergies. Is this program right for my baby?While the Feeding as They Grow program addresses general dietary principles and considerations pertaining to common food allergies, any concern regarding a confirmed food allergy or a strong family history of food allergies should be discussed with your child’s medical provider. No formal medical advice or management of a child’s allergy will be offered. Nevertheless, you and your infant will certainly still benefit from the nutrition education afforded to you through the Feeding as They Grow program.
I’m concerned about my baby choking. How does this program address this?General considerations and education will be given throughout the program regarding choking, but no medical recommendations will be given if you feel your baby is at higher risk of choking. Consulting with your medical provider early is of paramount importance. The risk of choking is unfortunately a reality for any child regardless of whether they partake in this program or not. Nonetheless, we feel an educated parent is better suited to reduce the risk of choking significantly by following appropriate baby cues and evidence-based recommendations. Please see our disclaimer and program materials for further information.
In what format is this program presented?The Feeding as They Grow program is delivered via a virtual platform that includes online videos, reading material/handouts, virtual group coaching sessions and a virtual COMMUNITY!
What kind of time commitment is required for the program?While your involvement in the program takes place throughout your infant’s early months, your time commitment is very MANAGEABLE and SELF-PACED. You drive the ship and ultimately utilize the material to your liking and need. We will be here to hold your hand along the way. There is no shame for “falling behind” or skipping throughout the educational content. However, we feel you will get the most out of the program by partaking in as many educational formats provided to you. Have FUN with it!
What is your refund policy?Given the nature of downloadable digital items, we do not offer refunds on purchases. If you are unhappy with your purchase, please let us know and we will do our best to make things right.
"Priscila uses research, personal experience, nutrition information, and all the things we as moms want for our kids, without being forceful. She listens and understands your fears of feeding our little ones new things and helps you through those fears all while not being forceful or putting pressure on you to do things you aren’t comfortable with yet."
Arielle, baby Emmie's Mom
This membership is the guidance you were seeking…
Because if you’re reaaaaaally real with yourself, you don’t have time to waste sorting through all the mixed information out there about feeding babies.
So don’t wait for the stress to pile on or until you’re at your wits end researching your 100th question on the internet. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll learn everything you need and gain peace of mind at mealtimes!
Join now to provide your child with the best feeding plan on the market!
It’s right here. It’s ready for you. It’s all included inside the Baby To Table Club. All you have to do is say, yes, and show up!
We’re warming up your seat and can’t wait to welcome you.

Would you rather just talk?
If you would like to just talk to help you figure out if the club is a good fit for you, I'd love to connect with you.
Shoot me a DM on Instagram (@babytotable) or email me directly by clicking here.
Also, holy cow. I know you're a busy mama so thanks for making it to the bottom of this page.
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